On wet Saturday in July the Quebec Drama Federation held it’s 5th Annual Softball Tournament at Parc Laurier. Eight teams faced each other, Geordie Productions, The Segal Centre for Performing Arts, WISTA, Lakeshore Players Dorval, The Becket Players, The Freestanding Room, MainLine Theatre and the QDF MishMash team.

SoftballRainOutIn the end it came down to two rain soaked teams, The Becket Players and Lakeshore Players Dorval. It was a hard fought game that saw the teams exchange the lead several times but at the bottom of the last inning, on a tight play at first, The Becket Players scored the run that put them over the top.

Alas, Lakeshore Players Dorval, reigning champions, had to relinquish the QDF Togneri Trophy they fought so hard for last year. Congratulations to The Becket Players on a great game. Congratulations also go out to the organisers and all the players who stuck it out despite the downpour.

Fear not! Your intrepid Lakeshore Players Dorval Team will be back next year to fight for top honours again and bring home the coveted QDF Togneri Trophy.

From left to right: Wayne, Sterling, Vickie, Bill, Joyce, Eric, Sean, Matt, Lia, Drew, Steph and Adam (M.I.A., Dale)